Research services

Do you have a specific research requirement?

Secured produces a range of open-source digests and advisories for our clients.

For more specific requirements, we offer a bespoke service for on-demand research.

  • Following submission of research requirement and scoping, we typically deliver a final report within 72 hours. There are additional options around verbal or in-person briefings. All reporting is exclusive to the client.

    Prices start from £1,200 per credit.

  • For questions that exceed the scope of a single research credit, or for organisations with wide-ranging requirements, we offer discounts on the bulk purchase of credits.

  • We offer a subscription service that provides an agreed upon number of research credits per month, along with additional benefits such as access to analysts and 'push' content around identified requirements.

What we do

We provide security advisory, strategy, and support services to investors, innovators, and researchers.

  • For organisations concerned about the security of their research, innovation, or investments, we provide security assessments. These are delivered in a hybrid format over several days.

    Our assessments draw from the principles of current UK government best practice under the Secure Innovation, Trusted Research, and Informed Investment initiatives from NPSA, along with equivalent US government and other international standards.

  • Through our advisory services, we help organisations to understand the threat landscape, benchmark against their peers, and identify future challenges. We help organisations to understand their current state and build roadmaps to desired end states.

  • We support the implementation of findings from our assessments and advisory services for organisations at different scales and over varied time periods, providing support from the tactical and operational levels, to delivering business and cultural change.

  • Security is an ongoing process and organisations can encounter complex, contentious, or challenging issues at any time. Our retainer services provide confidence and support when it is needed most.

We help to secure…

  • Fundamental and applied research being conducted at universities and in other institutions

  • The development and commercialisation of emerging technologies in industry

  • Direct investment, project funding, and acquisitions in research or emerging technologies

Who we serve


Academic institutions are increasingly aware of threats to the security of research and of government regulation in this area. We help our academic partners develop approaches to research security that reflect the realities of their field.


In the digital age, intellectual property is central to value creation. Securing the transition from research to intellectual property is a key challenge. We help start-ups and companies secure their most valuable assets.


We help our partners identify the key emerging players in the fast-moving research space, make investment decisions in an informed manner, and ensure that those investments remain secure over their lifecycle.