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NPSA updates guidance on sabotage

The National Protective Security Authority (NPSA), the UK’s national technical authority for physical security, provided updated guidance on 13 August 2024 relating to sabotage operations to UK interests and national security. The guidance was first issued in July 2024 and updated on 13 August.

While much of the guidance is standard and reflects previous published guidance, the update is noteworthy a) because of its timing, b) the short period between updates and c) in that it is explicit in terms of likely modus operandi of sabotage teams (including arson, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the use of drones).

In recent months, Western governments and analysts have asserted a campaign of sabotage conducted by or at the direction of the Russian intelligence services, as part of Russia’s broader use of hybrid warfare in the context of Russo-Ukraine War. With a high-degree of confidence, we assess that informational and cyber campaigns will be conducted both jointly with these sabotage campaigns and as separate independent initiatives.

This is an excerpt from an advisory note we circulated earlier this week. If you are interested in reading more, please contact us at

Secured is approved by NPSA and NCSC to provide holistic security assessments for innovative and advanced technology organisations (ie including physical, cyber, supply-chain, culture, governance etc). We can assist in understanding the readiness of controls and advise and implement solutions where appropriate.